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Maria Vanrell photo

POSITION: Associate Professor
Coordinator of CVC Colour Group

Computer Vision Center
Edifici O
Campus UAB
08193 - Bellaterra (Barcelona)
Fax: +34 93 581 1670
Tel: +34 93 581 2415

email maria vanrell

I am an Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the Computer Science Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). In 1996, I received my PhD degree at the UAB for my work on texture analysis and representation. I am an affiliate researcher at the Computer Vision Centre, where I lead the Colour in Context group researching on computational models of colour perception. My research is done from a multidisciplinary point of view combining the basic techniques of computer vision with psychophysical experimentation. Main research interests have been in colour naming, induction, texture and segmentation and recently focusing on saliency, constancy and cue combination. I teach some courses on artificial intelligence and coordinate the Master in Computer Vision of the UAB. I am also an active member of the Spanish association of IAPR.

Latest Publications :

  1. Jordi Roca-Vila, C. alejandro Parraga, Maria Vanrell, Chromatic settings and the structural color constancy index, Journal of Vision, vol 13, Number 4(3):1--2, 2013

  2. Naila Murray, Maria Vanrell, Xavier Otazu, C. Alejandro Parraga, Low-level Spatio-Chromatic Grouping for Saliency Estimation , IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), June, 2013. (code)

  3. Javier Vazquez Corral, J. Kevin O'Regan, Maria Vanrell, Graham D. Finlayson, A new spectrally sharpened basis to predict colour naming, unique hues, and hue cancellation, Journal of Vision , 2012.

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